Lacrimation of the eyes, the more constant, gives a lot of trouble - let's figure out why your eyes may water and what to do if watery eyes.
What do you do if watery eyes.
The answer to the question, what if the eyes water, it is necessary to link with the elucidation of the reasons why watery eyes, especially if it happens to you constantly. We now talk about what to do if watery eyes, here and now, what kind of "first aid" can provide your eyes, that they stop watering.
The first thing you can do if watery eyes - eyes check it for debris and rinse the eye. If it is on the street, just buy a bottle of pure non-carbonated water and wash with this water. If you already have at home, it is better to use the infusion of strong brewed black or green tea. Pour boiling water over tea leaves with half a cup of either tea, wait until the infusion has cooled down using a pipette and rinse your eyes.
In addition to welding, are proven herbal teas such as chamomile, cumin seeds, aloe, calendula, kalanchoe, plantain, thyme and rose hips. Need to pour boiling water 1 tbsp. L. grass and a glass of boiling water, to give infusions for an hour, after which the solution to
cool and use.
If you feel that your eyes are tired, take a bath for the eyes, using all the same infusion of herbs - just dab a piece of gauze or cotton pad in the infusion and place on closed eyes. The procedure lasts about 10-15 minutes.
Most eyes begin to tear when lacrimal sac for whatever reason and are clogging the eye becomes dry. To prevent jams or get rid of it, disinfect hands (optional), and 2-3 times gently (repeat - be careful!), Click on the lacrimal sac, which is located in the corner of the eyes nose. Good help.
Cases when watery eyes due to extreme temperatures and humidity of the environment, writes This may be a time when we are out of the house with its stable climate fall into the street, or, conversely, from the street to the office with its air conditioning and heating devices. In this case, the contrast will rinsing face - first with warm water, then cool, and so three times. Do it before exiting into the street, and comes from a warm room.
Cosmetics - not the least reason for which the eyes begin to tear. If watery eyes, immediately rinse them with all the makeup. It is interesting that make eyes water can like new cosmetics, and one that seems to be a long time verified. In any case, pay special attention to whether there is a beauty to you, when your eyes begin to tear.
Well, the easiest way to solve the problem of watery eyes - to carry eye drops. Most often, his eyes watering from the fact that they do not have enough moisture and droplets resolve this issue immediately.
If these methods did not help you, then it may be a sign of serious illness membrane of the eye - see why special material watery eyes, we tell what health problems can cause the tears from his eyes. In this case, we recommend that you consult a doctor.
If you feel that your eyes are tired, take a bath for the eyes, using all the same infusion of herbs - just dab a piece of gauze or cotton pad in the infusion and place on closed eyes. The procedure lasts about 10-15 minutes.
What if your eyes are watering because of dryness
Most eyes begin to tear when lacrimal sac for whatever reason and are clogging the eye becomes dry. To prevent jams or get rid of it, disinfect hands (optional), and 2-3 times gently (repeat - be careful!), Click on the lacrimal sac, which is located in the corner of the eyes nose. Good help.
Cases when watery eyes due to extreme temperatures and humidity of the environment, writes This may be a time when we are out of the house with its stable climate fall into the street, or, conversely, from the street to the office with its air conditioning and heating devices. In this case, the contrast will rinsing face - first with warm water, then cool, and so three times. Do it before exiting into the street, and comes from a warm room.
Cosmetics can also cause tears from his eyes
Cosmetics - not the least reason for which the eyes begin to tear. If watery eyes, immediately rinse them with all the makeup. It is interesting that make eyes water can like new cosmetics, and one that seems to be a long time verified. In any case, pay special attention to whether there is a beauty to you, when your eyes begin to tear.
Well, the easiest way to solve the problem of watery eyes - to carry eye drops. Most often, his eyes watering from the fact that they do not have enough moisture and droplets resolve this issue immediately.
If these methods did not help you, then it may be a sign of serious illness membrane of the eye - see why special material watery eyes, we tell what health problems can cause the tears from his eyes. In this case, we recommend that you consult a doctor.
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