How to Clean Silver Accessories

How to Clean Silver Accessories
Silver jewelry or silverware - all products of this metal may darken over time, lose their natural color and attractive sheen. To avoid this, the objects of silver must be cleaned regularly, and this can be done quite effectively at home, on their own. Especially that means suitable for cleaning silver, may show the house at everyone. After all, surely you can find soda or alcohol, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, toothpaste or tooth powder? Then take your silverware and start cleaning!

For example, can be mixed in equal parts of alcohol and the peroxide is put in a silver solution for twenty minutes, and then wiped dry with a soft cloth.

You can moisten a small amount of baking soda with water and th
n rub with a damp soda silverware - from such processing silver trice "poveseleet" and again gleams.

Another effective way: on a piece of foil, pour equal amounts of salt and soda, moisten them with water, and then put the mixture in the silver and leave for 30 minutes. Silver certainly brighten!

Tooth powder as the paste can be used for cleaning of silver alone, sufficient to treat the product of using the toothbrush. And to eliminate stubborn dirt can take toothpaste, soda and ammonia, mix them and treat this mixture silver ware using the same toothbrush or even a simple finger. It should only carefully grind the ingredients to their sharp pieces of silver is not scratched.

However, the above-mentioned brush means silver is not always possible because silver products often contain impurities of other metals which may have different chemical properties. In particular, if your silver ring turned green, it indicates that it is made of an alloy of silver and copper. To remove a "green", will have to buy a ten percent solution of complexone III, which will remove the upper dirt, after which silver can be finally put in order by means of the known means to you.

In addition, there are many other sale special tools designed for professional cleaning silverware. The great advantage of such tools is their ability to provide additional protection for this metal. The protective coating will protect your silver jewelry from the action of oxidative processes.

Also from oxidation and browning silver save the correct storage. Do not store your silverware near the water, household chemicals, medicines, cosmetics. Their influence can significantly degrade the appearance of silver.

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