Age, lifestyle, digestive problems, obesity and pregnancy are some of the reasons for increasing the volume of the abdomen. Now, physics and chemistry the fight.
The volume of the stomach and abdomen of women varies depending on age, lifestyle , digestive problems , obesity and pregnancy.
The volume of the stomach and abdomen of women varies depending on age, lifestyle , digestive problems , obesity and pregnancy.
The lack of abdominal tone is due to the weakening of muscles . "When the rectus abdominis muscles , the major and minor transverse or oblique muscles are loosened by situations such as pregnancy , belly overflows " says Royo .
To look navel need fight fat from inside and from outside . Now, in the new aesthetic treatments , physics and chemistry combine to fight the rebels clumps falling neither diet nor exercise.
In the area of chemistry is a set of formulas with hyaluronic acid as a carrier, which is injected into the subdermal tissue it inhabits resistant grease .
" The infiltration Mesofat allow depositing a custom cocktail lipolytic , firming and draining assets in hipodemis , right in the heart of the problem ," explained Doctor .
Lipolytic of plant assets such as artichokes , known for its slimming action and also for their ability to drain as well as L -carnitine, an amino acid with a very active role in the metabolism which helps dissolve fat are included in this cocktail .
Regarding the physical part , the Medical Laser Institute recommends combining injections with the " Body by Thermage " treatment with radiofrequency is performed in one session and get the warming of the skin in three dimensions.
" This deposit of sustained and concentrated heat , exerted a gradually destroys fat cells at 60 ° , while achieving immediate retraction fibers and collagen remodeling in the dermis ," says Dr. Royo , who recommend to the excess volume due to abrupt or thinning caused by pregnancy .
The abdomen, a mattress for cellulite.
In the case of women , female hormones cause fluid retention and accumulation of fat resulting orange peel famous .
" Cellulite usually appears after puberty , pregnancy or menopause , hormonal disorders and usually changes when fat metabolism in localized areas," explains Dr. Natalia Ribé .
Cellulite is the accumulation of adipose tissue , fluid , fat and toxins - forming nodules of fat in the form of dimpled skin in certain areas of the body such as the thighs , buttocks , arms and abdomen.
To combat this, it is essential to a good personalized medical diagnosis and prepared by a professional to determine the most effective treatments .
The doctor recommended Ribé direct injections of a drug solution on adipose tissue and cellulite to firm the skin and improve its texture patches.
But this expert also emphasizes the importance of hydration , healthy and balanced diet and exercise. It is essential to drink two liters of water a day , take fruits and vegetables, reducing salt and remove sugars , fats, snuff and alcohol
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