wraps for weight loss - a great way to not only lose weight in problem areas, body wraps at home will allow you to rejuvenate your skin and make it beautiful and elastic.
Wrap - one of the oldest methods, which was used to preserve the harmony and attractive figure. Currently wrap slimming or as not lost its relevance and is widely used in every SPA - salon. But home wraps for weight loss in efficiency almost as good as salon treatments, are an order of magnitude less, and you can do them whenever you want.
In this article you will find out what home wraps for weight loss is worth a try to share with you recipes and explain how at home you need to perform body wraps for weight loss, the result to be as effective as possible.
Wraps for weight loss - how they work.
The main merit of wraps for weight loss - is to reduce the volume of the body in problem areas due to the destruction of fat cells and the withdrawal of excess fluid from the body. That's why home wraps are used extensively by women not only for weight loss, often used homemade wraps cellulite. After the treatment there is a noticeable smoothing of the skin, writes arabio.ru, and a decrease in the so-called "orange peel".
In addition, the components of wraps for weight loss, saturate skin with useful vitamins and minerals, as well as improve skin elasticity, which has a positive impact on the external skin relief.
Body wraps for weight loss - The basic rules.
For what would be the procedure of home wraps was more effective for weight loss, you need to follow some rules. Before the procedure, wraps, take a shower and use the body scrub to cleanse the skin. Next mitten, massage brush or sponge spend in the right areas of the five-minute active massage to warm up the skin and increase the flow of blood, and then apply the mixture prepared for home wrapping a thick layer on problem areas. Recipes mixtures are better than others to help lose weight, see below.
At home wraps for weight loss continue using cling film, wrapped her body parts after applying the mixture for weight loss, moving from bottom to top. During the procedure, and it is 30-40 minutes, lie in bed under a warm blanket or put on warm clothes, in order to create the desired temperature in the problem areas. In this case, we recommend to monitor their state of health, if during a home body wraps for weight loss you feel unwell, you should immediately stop the procedure and remove the film. If all is well, after
half an hour rinse the mixture to wrap heat water and apply a cream or lotion for the body, better anti-cellulite effect.
Course home wraps for weight loss, to see the result - 7-14 days. We add that the highest efficiency is achieved with a combination of body wraps for weight loss with diet and active exercise.
Body wraps for weight loss - homemade recipes.
Your attention is three recipes wraps for weight loss, which proved themselves in the home. These recipes are good that all the necessary ingredients for weight loss and body wraps and easy to buy, and to perform at home.
1 Homemade honey wrap for weight loss.
Honey wrap wrap pohudeniyaMedovoe rightfully holds the lead among all the recipes home body wraps for weight loss. It will help to strengthen the local blood circulation, thereby improve metabolic processes in the body fat that trigger the breakdown of fats and the withdrawal of excess fluid.
The composition of honey wraps for weight loss is simple - mix 2 tbsp. L. liquid honey (if necessary, melt in a water bath) for 1 h. liter. red pepper and 2 hours. liter. olive oil.
Caution - due to the large number of active components that must be careful wrapping women with sensitive skin. In this case, it may be advisable to replace the recipe pepper to less burning cinnamon.
2 Homemade body wrap slimming with clay.
Wraps slimming wrap slimming glinoyDomashnee with clay, it can be said, a classic of the genre. Clay acts as an absorbent, eliminating toxins and excess water from the cells, resulting in the infamous "orange peel" skin becomes smoother and more elastic and smooth. Clay also good when you need to get rid of stretch marks. To spend wrap, any powdered clay (about 3-4 tablespoons. L.), Dilute with warm water until the consistency of thick cream. For a softer impact can be a mixture add 1 tbsp. L. any vegetable oil and a few drops of essential oils of citrus fruits.
3 Home slimming wrap with algae.
Seaweed for pohudeniyaPochemu some women believe that wraps slimming algae exist only with spas and at home is unrealistic. This is not so. You will need to wrap 5-6 Art. L. dried seaweed kelp or seaweeds (they are now sold in every drugstore) and warm water. Fill with water and algae give the composition a little stand for the swelling, and then apply on the prepared sites. Note that algae are an ideal component for wrapping, first of all, thanks to special substances that act locally on fat cells, causing them to "destruction" and thereby lose weight in problem areas. Algae also help to get rid of stretch marks on the skin, will hide the extra flasks and strengthen muscle tone.
4 Wraps with salt
Salt is used to wrap at home usloviyahDomashnie wraps for weight loss and salt are the most simple, it usually begins with them the knowledge of the essence of body wraps at home. Take 4 tablespoons coarse salt, fill it with two tablespoons of slightly warmed vegetable oil, mix well and let stand for a minute. Then gently rub the oily salt on the area of skin where you will spend wrap, and shook his film. Since salt is able to irritate the skin, follow the well-being - if you feel a strong burning sensation, you need to remove the film and wash away the salt, put on skin cream and the next time to halve the amount of salt in the recipe.
Course home wraps for weight loss, to see the result - 7-14 days. We add that the highest efficiency is achieved with a combination of body wraps for weight loss with diet and active exercise.
Body wraps for weight loss - homemade recipes.
Your attention is three recipes wraps for weight loss, which proved themselves in the home. These recipes are good that all the necessary ingredients for weight loss and body wraps and easy to buy, and to perform at home.
1 Homemade honey wrap for weight loss.
Honey wrap wrap pohudeniyaMedovoe rightfully holds the lead among all the recipes home body wraps for weight loss. It will help to strengthen the local blood circulation, thereby improve metabolic processes in the body fat that trigger the breakdown of fats and the withdrawal of excess fluid.
The composition of honey wraps for weight loss is simple - mix 2 tbsp. L. liquid honey (if necessary, melt in a water bath) for 1 h. liter. red pepper and 2 hours. liter. olive oil.
Caution - due to the large number of active components that must be careful wrapping women with sensitive skin. In this case, it may be advisable to replace the recipe pepper to less burning cinnamon.
2 Homemade body wrap slimming with clay.
Wraps slimming wrap slimming glinoyDomashnee with clay, it can be said, a classic of the genre. Clay acts as an absorbent, eliminating toxins and excess water from the cells, resulting in the infamous "orange peel" skin becomes smoother and more elastic and smooth. Clay also good when you need to get rid of stretch marks. To spend wrap, any powdered clay (about 3-4 tablespoons. L.), Dilute with warm water until the consistency of thick cream. For a softer impact can be a mixture add 1 tbsp. L. any vegetable oil and a few drops of essential oils of citrus fruits.
3 Home slimming wrap with algae.
Seaweed for pohudeniyaPochemu some women believe that wraps slimming algae exist only with spas and at home is unrealistic. This is not so. You will need to wrap 5-6 Art. L. dried seaweed kelp or seaweeds (they are now sold in every drugstore) and warm water. Fill with water and algae give the composition a little stand for the swelling, and then apply on the prepared sites. Note that algae are an ideal component for wrapping, first of all, thanks to special substances that act locally on fat cells, causing them to "destruction" and thereby lose weight in problem areas. Algae also help to get rid of stretch marks on the skin, will hide the extra flasks and strengthen muscle tone.
4 Wraps with salt
Salt is used to wrap at home usloviyahDomashnie wraps for weight loss and salt are the most simple, it usually begins with them the knowledge of the essence of body wraps at home. Take 4 tablespoons coarse salt, fill it with two tablespoons of slightly warmed vegetable oil, mix well and let stand for a minute. Then gently rub the oily salt on the area of skin where you will spend wrap, and shook his film. Since salt is able to irritate the skin, follow the well-being - if you feel a strong burning sensation, you need to remove the film and wash away the salt, put on skin cream and the next time to halve the amount of salt in the recipe.
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