Remedies to help Strengthen nails at home

Remedies to help Strengthen nails at home

Strengthen nails is an important part of female beauty - let's find out what folk remedies to help you strengthen your nails at home.

Subject strengthen nails recently very relevant. Unfortunately, experts in the field of beauty mark, that in recent years, under the influence of various negative factors, our nails look worse - thinner, break, delaminate, become unsightly. To solve these problems, and is intended to strengthen the nails.

In this article we offer affordable home ways to strengthen nails with the help of bio-gel, a tray for strengthening nails and other people's ways.

Vitamins to strengthen nails

The first thing you need to do to strengthen nails - enrich the body. Stratification, brittle nails in most cases it occurs due to lack of the necessary vitamins and minerals that are "build" nails. There are both universal and specialized centers, which will tell you at the pharmacy. It is important that they contain a lot of calcium, which is needed for normal growth and strength of the nail.

Besides vitamin preparations, to strengthen nails is very important to adjust their menus. Strengthen nails will go faster if you add to your diet of fish and seafood, cheese, yogurt, avocado, green vegetables, carrots, beets, almonds. All these foods are rich in vitamins and trace elements that are needed for normal growth of nails.

Strengthen nails that offer beauty salons.

Beauty salons and beauty parlors offer several procedures to strengthen nails. We recommend you the following.

1. Biogel. This is one of the most affordable means to strengthen nails today. Biogel posing on the nail surface film that protects it from harmful environmental factors, further nourishes, moisturizes. As a result, the nails are st
ong, get shine and grow better. Especially effective for strengthening nails biogels with calcium and tocopherol: the first hurdle brittle nails, the second - their desiccation.

2. Sealing wax. Wax in its composition contains nourishing and moisturizing ingredients, plus a huge supply of vitamins and minerals that restore damaged structure of the nail.

3. Hot manicure. Fingernails are immersed in a special "strengthen" the composition. Under the influence of the temperature of the nail plate expands and allows the useful substances to penetrate deeper into the structure of the nail.

Baths for strengthening nails at home.

Oil bath.

To strengthen nails slightly warm the unrefined sunflower oil, then pour it into a suitable container (all marigolds able to fit and were completely submerged in oil) mixed with 4-6 drops of an alcoholic solution of iodine and soak your nails in a container and hold for 15 minutes. This method will help strengthen your nails, make them strong and shiny. For prophylaxis - 1 time per week for each day of treatment.

Baths with sea salt.

Sea salt contains minerals that help strengthen and accelerate the growth of nails. For the bath, boil a glass of water, put it in a teaspoon of salt, a little cool (water should remain hot but not scalding). Dip your hands in the hot solution for 20 minutes, rinse them under running water and blot with a towel to strengthen nails and apply to the skin nourishing hand cream. To restore nails to make such baths a day, for the prevention of 1 times a week.

If your nails are not only broken, but also exfoliate, do not grow, you will bath with sea salt, olive oil and lemon juice. Take 3 tbsp. l. olive oil (you can substitute a simple vegetable), juice of half a lemon and sea salt (about 1.5 - 2 tbsp. l.). As a result, you get a semi-fluid mass. Dip your nails into it and hold for 25 minutes. Take a bath every day.

Baths to strengthen and whiten nails with lemon.

If the nails are not only exfoliate, but also turned yellow, align strengthen nails with their purification, for which nails pamper bath of a mixture of heated vegetable oil and lemon juice (per 2 tbsp. L. Oil juice of half a lemon) and the same amount of retinol (liquid vitamin A, available at pharmacies). Such trays need to practice every week.

Tray for strengthening nails with olive oil

This bath will help you to soften the nail plate, making it supple and prevent brittleness and plus bundle. Pour into a bowl 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, add 5 drops of essential oil of rose and jasmine. After 30 minutes, dab hands with a paper towel and apply a hand cream.

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