Latest Monsoon Lawn Vol-2 by Al-Zhaib

In This summer Al -Zohaib has a number of collections for spring-summer 2014 , Mahnoor Spring- 14 , Anum Classic Lawn Vol- 1 Vol- 1 Monsoon Lawn, Lawn Anum chiffon , Monsoon Festivana embroidery, Zeb - Aisha 2014 and recently al -Zohaib released which is a bit more grass catcher summer monsoon lawn Vol-II with new designer shalwar kameez lawn embroidered and printed fabrics . Lawn Collection Vol- 2 Monsoon emerging new era shalwar acceptable trends in Western traditions of South Asia. You will discover an open shirt , long shirt tail shirts, incompleteness angle shirts and more. Let's take a closer look at this Monsoon Vol- 2, released Al -Zohaib Textiles.

 Latest Monsoon Lawn Vol-2 by Al-Zhaib

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Latest Monsoon Lawn Vol-2 by Al-Zhaib

Latest Monsoon Lawn Vol-2 by Al-Zhaib

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