Is This New Trend Tattoos on Nipples

It is an emerging technique that was initially medical, but has begun to take an aesthetic. These are tattoos on the nipples, that increase the size or change color. But you have to meet certain safety standards before making the decision to tattoo this area.
Is This New Trend Tattoos on Nipples

As if! It is a new trend, and is called the titooing. For many goes as far as not knowing what else to experience, what areas try to make new inventions, but for others, it's a boom, a great opportunity to look and feel "different" because not everyone will want have these types of tattoos and not many endure pain.

The objective of this type of tattoo is that the nipples acquire a larger size or even a very d
rk color, because there are women that are too light or pink and are not very happy. For those who have very small nipples, feel they can align her breasts with the nipples of a man and start to lose their self-esteem because her femininity is not "complete" or reflected in such area as female breasts.

 The dye is applied semi-permanent , ie , over time began to fall and will need to make adjustments. Before it was a procedure that was used only in women who had had breast cancer and had to undergo a mastectomy , ie , the loss of their breasts. It was purely medical and surgical use . But little by little it has become known among the girls and want to try this new technique of tattoos. When a woman lost one or both breasts to cancer , was subjected to a reconstruction using silicone implants to give you volume and appropriate size. After drawing the nipple and tattooing came with the dye that each patient would be to . Usually the procedure takes about 2 hours and the time that the color will remain , before having to tweak is about 14 months , but it all depends on the type of skin and ink absorption through the skin , causing time is reduced to 12 months or extended to one year.

Doctors have said that although no proceedings seeking recognition worldwide in a short time will become very famous and many women start taking it as an aesthetic solution. What if you have to keep in mind is that these types of tattoos are not the same as performing common tattooists and plotters as well to remember that this type of process can only make a plastic surgeon, a medical center with appreciation and support quality and all necessary safety measures .

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