How to create this stunning hairstyle. In order to achieve this look, just abide by the steps given below and I hope you will absolutely love this hairstyle.
Get started with french plait or braid above right ear as shown in first picture.
Now begin the waterfall section by tugging the left hair strand into the center.
From top of the head, get hair and tug it in the center similarly as done in second step.
On right side, pick up the strand and fall it downwards.
After that, grab the area of your hair which is exactly in the back of strand you fallen.
Next, position this area into the center portion of braid, then ongoing this procedure functioning in the direction of left side of your scalp.
After you arrive at left side, shed the hai
strand down on right side same as told in fourth step.
Now cover the left hair strand above the center part.
With the help of bobby pin, safe the strand in its location.
Lastly, conceal the pin with the help of some other hair and you are done!
See the image below to understand well about the steps mentioned above.
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