first thing that you will need to know about the Leather Shoes is the
fact that there is just too much variety so that even if you are of the
picky kind, you will definitely not be disappointed. Whether you are a
man or a woman, you will get more than will be able to satisfy your
needs. For example, if you are a man and are looking for the sneakers
and the athletic shoes, you have got 16 models to pick from. If you are
looking for the oxfords, you have 10 and if what you want are the
sandals, then you have four very unique designs that you can choose
from. The choice for women is even better in that they can choose from 5
categories that are as follows: sandals (19 models,) heels (15,) flats
(8 models,) sneakers (4) and lastly the boots which have only one model.
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