Survive the winter, Happy with myself

Survive the winter, Happy with myself
Winter - time of depression and frustration. Summer vacation has left behind, and our plans are to change from 1 September and remained plans. Comes the end of the year, and we are led to speculate on the outcome of the year for themselves. Cold and lack of sun take our last strength and we rarely smile. Increasingly, the conversation is slipping, "Here come the spring ...". Psychologists have developed some simple tips that will help us not only to survive the winter positively, but also may better understand themselves.

1. Spend 10 minutes a day thoughts about yourself. Think calmly and always positive. About your accomplishments, successes, however small, but always recent. About how you see your future. The fact that you're proud of yourself. Listen to your body. Tell him thank you for the fact that it helps you.

2. Promise yourself to meet the sunrise.
At least once a year. Start with the summer, when unusually beautiful sunrise and get up easily. Then repeat the experience on vacation. See: watching the birth of a new day can fill you with strength and positive.

3. Most look at the sky. In the urban bustle, we often do not do this.
We look at the lights in front of parked cars in a traffic jam all the time and are able to catch-up. The greatness of the world, that you can feel, looking at the sky (even cloudy or rainy), will show you what your problems are not so important as to occupy all of your thoughts.

4. Do not confuse concepts such as wealth and success (or comfort and happiness). Substituting these concepts, we substitute our feelings from them without feeling happy.

5. Waking up in the morning, schedule currently only one thing, the most important thing, and always try to do it. The result of each day will give you the confidence that tomorrow things will really get you.

6. Walk every day for at least 10 minutes. If there is a possibility - half an hour. Taking a walk, watch the world go by. Look for any happy moments that you meet. Smile of a Child, a pair of lovers or the first snow.

7. Try to develop spiritually. Books, paintings, exhibitions, traveling. Today, the world has to offer so many interesting things.

8. Eat more plant healthy food. It will give you strength, to make healthy complexion and is not going to excess weight around the waist. Among other things, this is an extra reason to be proud of themselves.

9. And remember that no one is in charge of your happiness except you.

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