How often you wash your hair recomedable?

How often you wash your hair recomedable

Know that the fat moisturizes our skin much like our hair because without it it can dry up and fall off a prematurely. But of course take greasy hair is not acceptable in any case, so certainly more than once you've wondered how often you have to wash your hair.

Is it advisable to use shampoo or not?

Even among specialists there is disagreement hair when say whether to use shampoo daily. Some advise against such common grounds that leads to overproduction of fat to try to offset the continuous disposal, but others say it is necessary to use it frequently to prevent the fat will accumulate in the pores in the hair follicles.

Therefore the correct answer would be hair depends on the individual and the customs of each. For example there are women who only wash it once a week when they go to the hairdresser and therefore not a dirty look much less hair.

For example if your hair is very fine chances are it look pretty bad the day after having washed, so in these cases can be washed more frequently. If on the other hand your hair is thick and curly, the best option would be washed every three days or so. There are also some women who come to discover that her hair is much more manageable and looks a lot better the next day having washed appearance, as they see it too loose and soft same day it washed.

There are some experts who put as a point of reference when you wash your hair, do it twice a week or just when the person himself feel your hair needs. For example if you have hair too thick, curly and long, will need to spend a lot of time at the time of washing and the drying and the arrangement of the hair, so a weekly cleaning depth may be enough, but again we say, other experts recommend washing it daily in these cases.

In conclusion we can say that perfection would observe the behavior of the scalp of every woman and adjust your grooming needs. If you notice that your hair is oily, you can choose to wash it every day, in which case you should use shampoos that are mild because if a strong shampoo is used may be damaged. Moreover if the hair is dry, it is possible to wash less often and instead use a shampoo you can use a conditioner that is nutritious or any other product that achieves more moisturize the scalp.

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