Honor that a relationship should be

Honor that a relationship should be

One of the treasures to which all aspire is to have a happy, healthy and stable relationship. Although there is no magic recipe that we can guarantee to get it, we know that there are basic pillars to which all should aspire.

Giving and receiving always without requiring

Many times we fall into the mistake of giving everything for the other person, without expecting anything in return. But be careful with it because the balance can get to be very unbalanced. A healthy loving relationship is give and take equally and never demand. If at any given moment inequalities appear is sure to frustration and suffering appears. Do not hesitate to open the other person but having the assurance that they will receive the same.

Without subjecting without relying

Another most common error is to build a relationship based on dependency. If we got accustomed to depend on another person we feel we will never be realized and the moment when jealousy and mistrust appear. You must build a relationship of love where there are no submissions where no forces other and where there is no control or domination.

The perfect is to find someone else to trust us and wants us but ourselves limits. Something essential is to have space for everyone in the family to trust in ourselves and our self-esteem is not undermined.

Learn to listen and discuss

The discussions are common in any couple, it's very normal. And it helps better known discuss, to set boundaries and normal to the couple that help to understand the personality of another mark. But what must be clear is that there must always be a never humiliating or punitive constructive purpose. We discuss to learn and to reach agreements and for that you must listen to the other party without sanction, trying to put yourself in the other person to meet their needs. One must speak, make proposals and ideas and be open minded and above all, understand that discuss not mean insulting or angry, but to learn and understand.

Maintain the illusion daily

The gestures are extremely important to have a daily illusion and maintain strong relationship. A caress without wait, a kiss to say good morning, lie the two at the same time, do things together ... are details that are building the relationship and reinforce the happiness with which it can provide stability in the couple .

A perfect match day is built with some of these virtues worth implement from now. And we deserve to be happy, we must never forget.

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