How to choose a Cream for Tanning

How to choose a Cream for Tanning

Gentle tan on the skin always looks attractive, but, unfortunately, get it in a natural way round we can not. And here we come to the aid of artificial rays of the sun, that is, the solarium! In the sun-room, our skin gets exposed to get a dose of the most harmful, long wave, radiation, but, nevertheless, and in the solarium, we need special protective equipment, which will increase the youth and beauty of our skin. Usually this tanning creams, which we now discuss.

What should a tanning cream

Tanning creams are usually designed to perform several functions and, above all, safety. But the defense - is not only the duty of such cosmetics. Tanning creams should contain effective moisturizing agents, as under the influence of radiation skin quickly loses moisture. As a consequence, dehydrated skin wrinkles faster, which does not contribute to the preservation of her beauty and youth. Therefore, hydration is an important function of any tanning cream. Also in the special tanning contains various vitamins and other biologically active substances, so that the skin gets intensive nourishment necessary for normal regeneration and stimulation of metabolic processes. Thus, choosing a cream for tanning, you should pay attention on cosmetics, designed specifically for this area.

How to choose a cream for tanning

Today, many manufacturers of cosmetics produces a variety of cosmetics for tanning, including creams, among which are not so easy to choose the most suitable option for you. Choosing tanning cream, remember that each type has its own skin cream, so it's best to choose cosmetics specifically designed for a particular skin type. And that was not negative nuances, see the topic how to use a solarium.

You should also take into account other factors. For example, for women with very pale or sensitive skin are recommended for tanning lotions with higher barrier properties and no components that can cause irritation, such as bronzes. Light-skinned girls should pay attention to the cream, which contain substances that promote production of melanin. Through the use of such cosmetics you can tan faster and the effect will be more stable. Also welcome the presence of substances with antioxidant properties.

But tanning cream with handy Swarthy attenders solarium or those who use the solarium constantly. Typically, this acts as henna or other natural coloring agents of natural origin. They do not cause allergies, but allow you to attach the skin a beautiful shade saturated after the first session.

A very effective means for solarium's are creams with "tringl" effect. They contain substances that activate the production of melanin in the body, so help to get a good tan quickly. However, girls with sensitive and prone to irritation skin creams such use should not be.

Do not forget that your cosmetics are available for individual zones of our face and body, depending on their features. Therefore it is necessary to purchase a special cream for tanning beds for sensitive areas such as the neck or lips.

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