Beauty, Fashion, Style - Useful tips

Beauty, Fashion, Style - Useful tips

How to quickly grow long eyelashes at home, how to use oils and masks for the growth of eyelashes - our stuff.

Grow long eyelashes, which miraculously draw attention to your eyes, add a romantic way, every girl wants, but the question of how to grow long eyelashes, they do not find an answer. And although the Internet you can find dozens of materials, how to grow long eyelashes, most of them little information and do not give an answer that specifically need to do to become a reality long eyelashes. We offer you a complex that includes the mask, oil and broth to the eyelashes, which will help you in two months not just to grow long eyelashes and make them just gorgeous.

I say this not from scratch - a friend, looking at my long eyelashes, often ask - how quickly and correctly to grow eyelashes. (Moreover, I suspect that the work on the site, I also got out of the long eyelashes, the editor like it when a woman all the way require fashion magazines.) And everyone is asking - can not cook all there mask for the growth of eyelashes, oil for eyelash growth, and use of, say, a means for hair care, because the eyelashes, in fact, the same hair. On his experience convinced - huge risk that such funds will irritate sensitive mucous membranes of eyes, so it is best to conduct activities aimed at accelerating the growth of eyelashes is. Enough talk, go to business ..

How to grow long eyelashes - oil

Oil for eyelash growth is a basic element of the care of eyelashes, without oil quickly grow long eyelashes is almost impossible. And there seems to be a simple question - what kind of oil for eyelash growth fits better than others, runs into the belief that the best oil for eyelash growth is castor. It is not. Actually, not quite true. Castor oil and burdock can only be used as components of the masks for the eyelashes, and they must wash (more on this - in the block about masks). But the oils that will help you grow long eyelashes and that is very important that you can lubricate your eyelashes without time limits, that is, for a night or a whole day, are natural almond, sea buck-thorn, peach butter. All of them are sold in pharmacies to buy is easy.

The oils for the growth and care of eyelashes can add oil solutions of vitamins A and E, aloe juice. And that means your care lashes was always at hand, pour it into a well-washed tube of mascara (there is already a brush), which should be stored at room temperature if your oil for eyelashes contains only oils and vitamins (otherwise event, place the finished oil in a refrigerator). To eyelashes grow faster, well, "stained" eyelash oil, but try not to get in your eyes!

Masks for the growth of eyelashes

If you decided to home-grow quickly thick long lashes, a day to make special mask to accelerate the growth of eyelashes. These masks are prepared on the basis of burdock or castor oil, as I said above, and require the removal of an hour after application.

  • To prepare the mask for the rapid growth of eyelashes Take one part castor oil to one part brandy (cognac can be replaced aloe juice).
  • Another option for eyelashes masks - combine castor oil and burdock in the same proportion and drip into the mix a pair of drops of oil solutions of vitamins A and E, and the same number of drops of aloe juice.
  • And the third option mask, which I do to quickly grow eyelashes, took the same amount of castor oil, aloe juice and finely chopped parsley, mix, infused for 24 hours and 30 minutes is applied to the cilia.

If you ask my opinion, what mask will help others better quickly grow long eyelashes, I say - any. But I'm more like butter and aloe - and do simple and works well.

Tip - Mask for eyelashes placed in the refrigerator before using let them warm up to room temperature and applied to a one hour and processed using eyelash mascara brush or cotton swab.
How to grow long eyelashes - compresses for eyelash growth

About decoction of herbs, I think few people have heard, and this is a very good tool for the growth of eyelashes. To quickly grow long eyelashes, once a week you can do special packs for eyelashes own cooking. Of the acquired pharmacy herbs (cornflower, calendula, chamomile, take all equally) prepare a decoction or infusion, give styt to warm (37-38 degrees), dip cotton pads in it and cover their eyelids and cilia. 20 minutes of lying, think of the beautiful. If there is no grass, instead of them temporarily, you can use the usual strong brew of black tea. After enmesh cotton pads, let lashes dry and smash their previously prepared oil.

By alternating these simple means, you're already one week notice the growth of eyelashes. But only on the condition that you do not maliciously harm the lashes, forgetting to remove makeup at night or constantly using waterproof mascara. In the first case, the night begins to crumble cosmetics together with your lashes, in the second - you have to remove the ink sufficiently rigid method, which leads to loss of eyelashes. And of course, it is not necessary to cut the lashes if you want to grow them!

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