Preventing stretch marks

Preventing stretch marks
 Unfortunately, the problem of stretch marks may appear in the life of every woman. Overweight and older age, hormonal problems, of course, make the appearance of stretch marks is more likely, but even quite slender young women should pay due attention to the prevention of stretch marks. Moreover, that such events it is possible to carry out at home with minimal time and cost. Plus, follow our recommendations, you can make stretch marks less visible ones, which have already appeared.

To begin to pay close attention to your menu. To keep your skin retains its elasticity, it should provide enough nutrients, particularly potassium and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The first trace element found in fruits and dried fruits: pears, bananas, raisins and dried apricots. And essential fatty acids can be found in nuts and seeds, vegetable oils and fish sturgeon.

Physical activity also keeps the tone of our skin and maintain its elasticity. Suffice hour of active exercise, your skin could withstand stretching. If you can not regularly attend a fitness club, a jog or run the most basic exercises.

Perfect for the skin essential oils, especially peppermint, rosemary and lavender.
Essential oils are mixed with vegetable, playing the role of foundations. Add a few drops of essential oils in olive oil, wheat germ oil or jojoba oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin twice a day, rubbing in the problem areas with light massage movements.

For the prevention of stretch marks and combat are very good wraps. Effective procedures with clay, seaweed, Dead Sea mud and even chocolate.

Do not forget about such an effective means of massage. Regular gentle massage stimulates the production of collagen and elastic, essential for our skin elasticity.

Very important water treatments - baths and douches. Baths are advised to take 2-3 times a week for twenty minutes. Douches may be practiced daily, alternating hot and cold water 3-5 times during the procedure. Remember that douche always finish with cold water.

The experts unanimously assert that the above procedures are most effective when they are carried out regularly and in combination with each other. And, of course, they claim that prevent stretch marks is much easier than to get rid of the existing ones.

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