How to get rid of the smell of sweat and sweating feet

How to get rid of the smell of sweat and sweating feet

How to get rid of sweating and foot odor - this question is given, according to statistics, every second person. The problem to date - sweating and unpleasant foot odor deprives a person of confidence, and thus account for a lot of refuse.

In this article we look at the reasons the appearance of athlete's foot, and odor, as well as find out how to get rid of sweating and foot odor.

Causes sweating and foot odor.

The main causes of athlete's foot, and odor from two - a fever and low-quality shoes. Both causes excessive sweating of feet, and sweat is a rich breeding ground for a huge number of bacteria. That waste products and produce an unpleasant odor. Fungus feet, this is another reason odor from the feet. Shoes that do not "breathe", made mainly of non-natural fabrics, causes sweating at times stronger than shoes made ​​of natural materials. Thus, the first your steps to get rid of athlete's foot and odor should be a good foot care and shoes made ​​of leather.

How to get rid of sweating and foot odor - Common tips and tools.

The simplest tool that will help get rid of the smell of sweat and eliminate sweating of your feet - your regular antiperspirant, which use to armpits. Treat them to a clean skin of the feet before going out and put on clean socks. Can try to get a special deodorant for feet, which reduces excessive sweating of the feet, and has a deodorizing property.

The following method - use when washing the feet of antibacterial soap. It fights germs that cause bad breath. Try to use it every day, but not more often than once a day, and you will soon notice a positive result.

At home against sweating and unpleasant foot odor worked well tray based on strong tea. It is believed that the tannin contained in tea leaves have antibacterial properties, thereby eliminating the source of malodor and narrows the pores, and hence the sweating. To prepare the bath, take 2 bags or 1 tbsp. L. black tea, pour 1 liter of water and bring to a boil, boil for 10-15 minutes. Ready infusion dilute another two liters of water, allow the bath to cool to a comfortable temperature for your feet and take 20 minutes.

The next version, which will also help to get rid of sweating and foot odor - is based on the vinegar bath. You can only use vinegar, but its effect can be enhanced by adding thyme or pine oil (available at pharmacies). In bowl, pour a glass of vinegar and dilute it with 3 liters of warm water, then add a few (3-4) drops of essential oil. Keep your feet in it for 15-20 minutes. Get rid of sweating and foot odor and helps lavender oil, notes Just rub a few drops into a clean skin of the feet before going to bed.

Another good way for strong perspiration and foot odor - to make powder of 2 tsp of fine salt and the same amount of starch. Current powdering treat foot and put on clean socks. Feet stay dry, and odor does not threaten you.

Beautiful effect and makes Kombucha - its acidic environment destroys bacteria, due to which there is an active and strong smell of perspiration. Wash your feet wet in a strong kombucha gauze or handkerchief and well wipe their feet before going to bed.

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