Unhealthy Breakfast

Unhealthy breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, because that is what will generate energy to support the work of the day. But girls should note that there are some foods that are very bad for breakfast and it's not good to be obsessed with everything artificial and low in fat because generate discomfort in the body and thereby the health.

Breakfast being the first meal of the day should be mandatory, must be very healthy and rich in fruits and foods that provide energy to the body to support you shake the day: work, study, meetings, appointments, and more. For most women, their breakfast has to be rich in fruits, natural juices or liquids such as green tea and control the fat intake. They are right, but do not be obsessed with the idea that everything is light, because they must care for the body.

Although there is another group of girls away from this concept, begin to consume large quantities of bread, coffee, fats and even flour, in order to be full and not hungry them throughout the day. If you care about is health care and want both your mind as your figure, should consider what they should avoid and if not obsessed with the idea of ​​eating little or not eating to maintain weight, probably because decompensate metabolism and what you do, is rapidly gaining weight or becoming ill with gastritis.

- Are forbidden meats such as sausages, ham or tocinetas because a lot of fat stored and processed such may be responsible for cancer of the colon foods. Even in the case of sausages, if prepared cooked, harmful components remain on the digestive system.

- The cereal should be natural, no dyes and no sugar. Although the palate is delicious, is harmful to health. The problem is that all this concentrated amount of sugar in the blood and instead of generating energy, blocks the body in some way. Additionally, you can accelerate a person suffers from diabetes.

- Bread in exaggerated quantities becomes harmful. The reason is that it is made with white bread and has high concentrations of sugar, so the body won many extra pounds in a few days.

- Products that are processed are not recommended and it also welcomes sandwiches that are prepared away from home. The solution is to prepare at home and make sure that the ingredients are fresh, healthy and do not fall ill to the stomach or colon.

- Not everything is as healthy light, because most products have artificial components, many ingredients full of chemicals anyway and will get to cause damage to health. So, this is having an excellent figure, probably no health on the right track and nutritional deficiencies will be very high.

It is also good to seek help from a nutritionist and try to establish a proper diet, because not all bodies are the same and may react differently to changes and failures of some foods manner.

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