Effect wet or "wet look" How do?

The "wet look" or the effect of wet hair is fashionable and is observed in many parts especially in the world of celebrities.

Effect wet or "wet look" How do

This look helps the hair more shine acquire and adopt a sexy style, yet elegant.

However, the question arises: How can we achieve this? What are the basic steps? What to do to look good all day?

Wet look How do I get it?

The impression of not having fixed the hair, is far from reality. To get this look with a natural, professional finish, you should have the hair in perfect condition, with a good cut, and strive to do it, because it is not as easy as it seems. Keep in mind these steps to accomplish this:

■ The most recommended products are wax and gel; the latter contains more water than any other element, it can give a wet look. Always choose those free of alcohol, they will damage the hair.
■ To start making this hairstyle , ironically should have dry hair (either dryer or iron ) and especially those with long hair , can apply a few drops of oil to moisturize the ends.
■ Once prepared the hair, apply some gel on the fingertips , and begins to spread from the roots down to the desired height for the wet look .
■ After applying the gel , a comb to distribute the product passes all over the scalp, and it becomes a bit of pressure on the head , hair styling as much as possible to the base.
■ If the effect is " too wet " , you can use the hand dryer to counter some of the finished product.
■ Apply a little fixer ex buttress or lacquer to finish ; this way , you can ensure that the hairstyle lasts for hours

According to court

Anyone can wear this effect , in-1 regardless of the type , color and texture of hair you have. For those girls be long affair , it is best to wear loose, and the extent to bring the gel is at the level of the ears. Those with a type pixie cut, should apply throughout the hair gel in proportion , and with her ​​hair up to the shoulders, have several options : lost in a bun, I semiprecious or ponytail. Additionally, this look is perfect to combat frizz and rebel strands.


If the person has never been done before this hairstyle , it is best to practice before going outside , because , unfortunately, does not help at all times , not every type of face. It is a look that lets face fully exposed , so you should wear a makeup developed to accompany it.

Simple and practical

■ This style highlights the features and reveals the entire face ; it is therefore essential to have a healthy and smooth skin, where it can show off a subtle, elegant and flattering makeup.
■ It is very useful when you want to remove the fringe of the face, or when there is insufficient time to make a laborious hairstyle option .
■ To carry this look , it is easier to shape short hair , plus it provides attractive and sensuality to frame the face.
■ Provides a different and original touch to every day , giving the impression that he just got out of the shower.

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