Features kills Passions

Features kills Passions
Some men have attitudes and behaviors that can deflate any woman that can crumble or lose his love interest. There are some who can bring all these aspects and automatically convert them to a lousy prospective partner.

It's something I think many women, I do not socialize with them or sometimes yes but love, they can let their partners have certain attitudes or behaviors that are quite uncomfortable and can make them lose the emotion or passion in a moment of intimacy or even when giving a passionate kiss.

Something to watch carefully is spelling. For many men it may seem superficial, but for women, have good spelling is essential and see your partner, your dream guy or prospectus couple has a terrible way of writing, the disillusion of a few can. Something that many men have fallen, is in the way of writing that is used in social networks, where s is replaced by z, h are added where there are half or words are written.

Another type of behavior that have the most children , is asking a lot but at the time of giving, do not have time or take all the excuses and for having . The time to respond to it , should be all kinds of details, time , dedication , gifts and so feel important, but when they have to be aware of their girlfriends and be attentive , have better plans as sleep or play all Xbox afternoon. Even , are exaggerated , which are those that come when girls prefer their pay all the bills , either movie or dinner . Nothing worse than a stingy man with time and money.

The bitter men are the worst thing for any woman. Those who live only pouting , complaining about everything that happens , seeing the negative and finding problems everywhere, are truly disastrous and should forget that a girl can come to feel happy and fulfilled by his side , as there will steals and a smile let alone a future or dreams that are pleasing . Moreover, not only has to be funny and make funny moments, because you learn to laugh at himself , it is also very valuable.

For every woman it is important that your partner be a worker , judicious, pilot , attentive, awake and wanting to do things no man and instead encounters a lazy person , sleepyhead , that will not do anything at all the day or for life .

Men who think they know everything are really annoying . They are those who can not lose anything, they believe they are the first and best , who are proud and centrists ego , which talks only speak of them, they speak a thousand hours of his perfect physique or what they have done to throughout his life , but without regard to others.

A final type of man who murders the passion in your partner 's tongue that has a dangerous , full of gossip envy, hatred and bitterness. Usually men are gossips , earring living lives of others and to air their secrets and private things , they invent anything to look good or exaggerate a situation to become a martyr.

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