Imran Khan Namal University Scandal

Imran Khan who is working to make a knowledge village in Pakistan says, In Namal University all poor and rich students would get the higher education but when you visit the website of Namal University you will be hit by a shock that the fee structure of Namal University is higher then the other private universities like CBM, IBA etc. Check the following snap shots of Namal Universities website showing the fee structure of the university.

Please check the following Fee Structure of Namal College how can a poor or middle class student of Pakistan can pay Rs. 1,15000 (One Lac, Fifteen thousand) per semister.

Namal College Fee Structure
namal college fee structure
Namal University Fee Structure
namal university fee structure
Namal University Mian Wali
namal university mianwali

All pictures and information is taken from websites over internet.

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